opendns family shield profile

Open DNS Family Shield

Open DNS is a company that specializes in providing faster, safer and reliable internet net connectivity to business and home environments. It boasts of wide range of security solutions that are aimed at filtering incoming traffic into a network. Open DNS offers a number of products which are set for different security solutions. The Open DNS Home, Open DNS Personal, Open DNS Home VIP and Open DNS Family Shield are among the products offered by Open DNS. All these services are aimed at exerting some level of control in home and business settings. Open DNS supports multiple devices such as routers, desktop workstations, laptops, smartphones etc. All these devices can be supported on multiple platforms like iOS and Android. Open DNS is cross platform. The internet has brought both good and bad. It is no longer a topic of debate on which side prevails. People have learnt to accept the outcomes of the internet. Does that mean we leave everything to fate? Of course not. If we cannot assert our authority on the internet, then it is wise that we find tools that can help us exert some level of control. Here, we talk about OpenDNS Family Shield as one…
net nanny

Net Nanny – A Quick Overview

A Quick Overview of Net Nanny – A Parental Control App Net Nanny is a an app  that can help you filter content accessible to your children whenever they are browsing online.  Since its inception in 1996, the application has helped millions of parents to protect their kids from inappropriate information and images online. We have compared Net Nanny against Qustodio, the other major player in the parental-control market. Click here to view our comparison. The Net Nanny software enables you to control as well as monitor your child’s activity from time to time. With this app installed on your personal computer, you can block or filter the type of information your child can consume. Also, you can set time limits on use or even prevent a variety of computer/smartphone games every time you deem necessary. The Net Nanny Software Suite does not require additional software to work effectively on your Android, PC, and iOS. The History of Net Nanny at a Glance: There are much you can learn about Net Nanny application, especially if you are a young parent who desires to keep an eye on his kids. Since the internet has become popular across the globe, there is…
qustodio vs net nanny - side by side reviews

Qustodio vs. Net Nanny: Our Side-By-Side Review of Each App.

Net Nanny vs. Qustodio: Which Parental Control App is Best?  The two most popular parental control apps on the market today are Qustodio and Net Nanny. Both apps are very similar in the features they offer, but there are some distinct differences in their services that will be important depending on what you intend on using either service for. We’ll compare both services as they perform the same tasks, as well as mention when one app will have a useful feature that the other one doesn’t. Quick Intro: Qustodio Qustodio’s newsfeed is very Facebook-ish… Qustodio provides perhaps the widest range of protection of any of the major parental control apps. In addition to their classic web-filtering software that effectively filters out adult sites, there’s lots of cool additional features. The main appeal of Qustodio is the summary of activity, where you (the parent) can see your child’s activities in a handy newsfeed that lets you know who they’ve been texting, calling, Facebook messaging, and more. There’s also a ‘panic’ button on Android devices that you child can use at any time if they’re in trouble and need help. Quick Intro: Net Nanny Net Nanny’s Interface looks a bit dated… Net…